Friday, February 24, 2006

Commercial Reason

I have been thinking about this since yesterday morning.

The company I attach to sign an agreement with a government agent to supply desktop and notebook personal computers. One of the condition is to provide a software preinstalled with certain prescription. We are in compliance.

Nevertheless, the said agent decided to change the condition and we endeavor to comply. The changes incur additional costs to both parties. We are not only not get reimbursed for the additional cost incurred, the said agent actually requested us to subsidize thier part of cost PLUS MARGIN (described in a nice way - margin!!!).

To cut the story short, the management team decided to oblige and that really puzzle me. Although I understand the commercial reason behind the decision, I am really disappointed with how people running their business nowaday.

This society is full of greed and it seems like there is no justice, or more approprietely, justice is ignored for the sake of treat on one hand, and on the other, taken as advantage.

Praise the Lord, as a Christian I have Christ as my justice. As I said yesterday, what I want is already inside me, i.e. Christ is in me and He is my justice.


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