Sunday, February 26, 2006


I am grossly overweight. According to my doctor, my ideal weight is 160 pounds, or I have to loose 20 over pounds in order to be considered normal.

One of my life favorite is food. I would have ignored all these advices if not because of my gout problem.

I came from a poor family, and one of my childhood ambition was to have sufficient and enjoy my favorite food as much as I wish and as and when I want. What an "aggresive" ambition!! And you can tell by now that I have been very successful in achieving such ambition.

If I could borrow the time machine from Steven Spielberg to travel back in time, I think I want to modify that ambition.

Well, now I realise that I am so flicker minded. What I prayed hard to get then is not really what I want today, or more appropriately, is good for me. That reminds me my grumbling with regards to my prayer not being granted. Thanks God, I must count my blessing for not granting such prayer. Because only The Lord knows what I really need and what is good for me. My experience has built such confidence in me. Praise The Lord.

I guess I have to pay the price of being too aggressive in achieving my childhood ambition, I have to do more exercise and watch my diet closely.

Life is part of doing and undoing our wishes, it is uncertain. I am so grateful that I have the consummated Spirit in me Whom is always faithful and never change.


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