Friday, March 10, 2006

Prodigal son

My second son never feels home sick, he told his mother. His is away from home for about three months already.

I left my parents when I was thirteen to reside with my auntie to continue my study. I missed my family so much that midnight tears wet my pillow. My family lived from hand to mouth then and suffered tremendous material shortages, still more than half of my heart was always with them.

I love my son very much but that triggers nothing to him emotionally. I am not complaining, I am happy for him in deed. For a simple reason, I do not want him to go through what I have gone through.

He is coming back this Lord’s day. My wife is so excited and planning to cook his favorite dishes to welcome him back home, my prodigal son!!

What makes the difference between these two boys when they were away from home? I was home sick, felt empty and desperated, while my son is enjoying himself. For me, I was yet to know the Lord and had no vision of the Lord’s plan. On the other hand, for my son, I guess he is always at home. He is just blessed with the opportunity to be trained by the Lord in another locality, to get to know the Lord’s plan. Since he is at home, how could he be possibly home sick?

The Lord is with me and with him; we are sharing the same Spirit, we have many things in common. We are all at home; the Church is our real home. (7-Mar-06)


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